Friday, August 28, 2020

A joyous reunion ...

Another year has passed with only one blog post.  This post isn't about crafting with paper or fabric, it's about my lovely, beautiful, sweet Mom and precious Dad.  On Christmas Eve, 2009, I lost my Mother. The overwhelming loneliness I felt without her, led me to creating this blog.  I used to share every creative endeavor with her and she was a gracious listener.  No matter how trivial my ideas, she met them with enthusiasm, encouragement and love.  Her encouraging words were the driving force behind my desire to create and her unconditional love helped complete me.  After Mom passed, I turned to Dad, and met a man I barely knew before.  I knew my Dad was hard working, responsible, kind, funny and was loved by his friends, but I didn't know much more than that.  When I called, prior to losing Mom, he would say a few words and then turn the phone over to Mom.  I freely shared my world with Mom and she shared hers (and Dad's) with me.  What I knew of my Dad, was mostly through the eyes of my Mom.  She dearly loved him and I learned why.  Wrapped in a riotous sense of humor was a man who was brimming with kindness, sincerity, gentleness, integrity, intelligence and an unconditional love that fiercely matched my Mother's.   Earlier this month, Dad took up his place by Mom's side. I'll never forget her saying of my Dad, as she was lying in her hospital bed ... "there's my husband of 60 years, he will never leave my side".  I can only imagine the joyous reunion, and to be honest, it's the only thing that helps, as I wade through the tides of grief.  💕

Hummingbirds Photo Above by Chris Jimenez Nature Photo on flickr

Photo by Janice Woodard taken at my parents cottage on the lake in Custer, MI